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3 Simple Ways to Learn Chinese Easily

China's population is booming and its level of influence around the world is unprecedented. More and more US companies are doing business with China, so knowing at least a few words of the language can help you to get job interviews or boost your career in this global market.

"But wait," you say. "How am I supposed to learn the Chinese language if I can't even recognize any of the characters?" Never fear - it isn't as difficult as you think! Check out the following 3 tips on ways to learn Chinese easy.

1. Learn these two sentences - "Do you speak English?" Chinese translation - "Ni hui shuo Yingyu ma?" and "Where is the toilet?" Chinese translation - Cesuo zai nali? Pretty much anything else can be taken care of when you find an English-speaking person.

2. Focus your efforts. If you're going to China for business, practice business jargon. If you're going for vacation, practice terms related to hotels, transportation and food. Or, if you just want to converse with a Chinese neighbor, practice your introductions and pleasantries.

3. Practice every day. Although it doesn't sound easy at first, you'll find that practicing your Chinese language skills every day will help you to retain more with less effort than if you try to cram everything into a few short study sessions.

In addition, it's important to have the right language learning tools on hand. You wouldn't set out to climb Mount Everest without the right equipment - follow the same approach when learning Chinese. Consider your learning style and take the time to identify the language system that works for you.

One of the best ways to learn any new language fast is with a software program that's interactive and engaging. After traveling extensively and learning the basics of several different languages, I've found that one of the best programs on the market is Rocket Languages []. It'll have you up and running with your new language in a matter of minutes - plus, it's affordable and the on-the-spot downloads mean you can get started right away. It's a great tool to help you learn any language fast []!


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