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Words In Chinese Language That Conditioned The Chinese's Mind For Unsuccessful Cosmic Ordering

Personally, as a Chinese, I feel that cosmic ordering success is really impossible for the majority of Chinese, even Asians. This is a huge discovery from my own learning in the last 4 years, and practicing to create and manifest my life in the latter 2 years till now.

Why do I think this way? This is because of the 5000 years of deep cultural roots, heritage and language that the Chinese has. Let's first look at the words that the Chinese uses because words are the basic form of language. Words are formed in our thoughts and is the communication tool that we use in our every day life. Since word is the tool we use externally in communication and internally as thoughts, word therefore is also the tool you use to draft your cosmic orders.

In order to have success in drafting orders and put them out there, you need to use the appropriate words. Words form a rich Chinese language and culture due to the historic time that passed. And words in the Chinese language have become strongly ingrained in the Chinese minds and conditioned the ways Chinese eat, sleep, drink, play, work, do business and so on...

Let's look at one example: 'bai ren cheng jin'. This is a Chinese idiom meaning endurance is a very valuable conduct. The idiom comes from a legend which says that a man was able to endure a 100 times and in the end, he was rewarded with a big piece of magically transformed gold.

However, I think and feel otherwise...The Chinese character 'ren' is made up of 2 other Chinese words namely a word that means knife and the other word that means heart, and the former is placed above the latter. Imagine planting a knife above the heart, it's like stabbing the heart with a knife. Physically, without doing anything about it, this will cause bleeding and eventually die. Emotionally, this causes 'internal bleeding' and will still eventually die, in emotional pain, depression...

Both physically and emotionally, the word 'ren' is no good for creating the energy needed for the Universe to understand clearly what you really want, and so is endurance, done inappropriately!

Cosmic ordering success means using energy in the right form to send your wish lists to the cosmos. By embracing 'bai ren cheng jin' as a good conduct will bring you nowhere in what you want to manifest in your life and where you want to be because the alchemy won't turn endurance into gold with negativity. As endurance may contain emotions like anger, resentment, unfairness, injustice and other negative emotions. Forgiving would be a much better tool for cosmic ordering success.

By embracing endurance as a good conduct in the Chinese culture, thinking that behaving this way will bring about wealth and prosperity, is to bring failure in one's life when using cosmic ordering to manifest. 'Bai ren cheng jin' is just one of the many hundreds and thousands of Chinese words and idioms that are detrimental to cosmic ordering successes.

And if you would like to know more about cosmic ordering, get free instant access to the latest version of a 6-day mini simple guide on how to send and receive your cosmic orders successfully by visiting

Hui has achieved consistent results from her cosmic ordering in the past 1 year, especially with financial and wealth cosmic orders.

Visit now, and fill in the banner that flies out from the bottom of the page, for your free cosmic order guide. PS: remember to smile back at the banner guy who's smiling at you:)


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