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5 Reasons Why Learning a New Language is a Great Idea!

1. Communicate better with friends / family / business associates / living abroad. Nowadays, distance is relative. A quick look around you will probably reveal SOMEONE who is living abroad and what better way to foster communication with them than to learn their language (or the language they've adopted abroad). With friends and family, this might just be a way to impress them in a fun way but if this is for business purposes, then learning to speak a new language may just be that competitive edge you need to succeed further in your corporate life.

2. To experience more pleasures when traveling. We often hear stories of people being duped abroad simply because they didn't fully know what they were getting into. Well, make it different in your case! When traveling to your favorite destination, talk in the language spoken there. Not only will you prevent being deceived, but you'll soon find that they will appreciate your effort and in return share more with you. (Think of all the other best places and discounts only YOU can get!)

3. To get in touch with your roots. It is often said that to move forward, one needs to glance back every now and then. If your family's history is that of another country, a great way to reconnect is by learning the language your ancestors knew.

4. For purposes of emigration. If you're moving to another country, then learning that country's mother tongue is an absolute MUST! It will speed up your immersion in that culture and you'll find that you get to be more independent faster in that country. (If you don't learn their language then you'll be relying on friends and family to always help you out.)

5. To be more 'worldly'. Admit it... learning a new language is HOT! And with main cities becoming such melting pots for various cultures, you're almost assured there's always an opportunity to speak the language you're learning.

Also, the Internet has removed all barriers across countries so today it's very easy to have Chinese, French, Italian and other friends even if you never physically see them.

How to learn a new language? Well, the best is to attend a language school because there you're assured that you're learning in an organized, step-by-step manner. Better yet, why not attend a language school in the country where that language is spoken! This will be lost of fun and truly conducive to you learning to speak a new language.

For ideas on the best foreign language schools, visit, a site where students log on and submit their own personal reviews on which language schools are the best abroad. Hope you find the one that suits you!

Astrid Hermanssen is fluent in five different languages! How about you? If you're interested in learning a new language, then go to now to see which is the best language school for you!


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