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Children Can Learn Spanish - A Review of Muzzy For Toddlers Learning Spanish

Parents often begin hopes and dreams for their new child long before it is born. Top on their list is often learning languages, and increasingly, Spanish is chosen as the first language to learn. Helping your toddler learn Spanish may become one of the most rewarding things you ever do. Here's how and why.

Although it is certainly a given that multilingual children can spring from multilingual parents, it is less understood that all children can become multilingual given the right circumstances and opportunities. Muzzy is an award winning BBC program designed for very, very young children to learn languages, Spanish included. It is currently used in 100 countries, and it designed to help children learn languages through age appropriate immersion activities.

Toddlers learn Spanish by meeting Muzzy, an animated character that is central to the language program. Muzzy and his friends speak to toddlers in Spanish right away, with no translation. Repetition and review of sounds and vocabulary in Spanish are readily learned and become part of the toddler's natural language acquisition process.

The Spanish language is learned just like the toddler's native language, starting with alphabets, numbers, and colors. One interesting outcome of the program is that toddlers actually begin to speak with a Spanish accent.

When parents decide to use the Muzzy program, they are offered the chance to purchase a set of language learning resources with 3 story DVDs, 2 vocabulary building DVDs, a song CD, a parents' instruction DVD, and a night time story book for parents to read to their children. The most recent 20th anniversary edition comes with 5 languages combined in the course so that parents can choose from Spanish, French, German, Italian, and English. Chinese and ESL versions are also available. Parents may also opt to receive a free 30-day trial version.

Central to the toddler course, is the idea that immersion can begin early. In fact, it is suggested that toddler age is the best age for children to begin language learning because it is the age when they are most receptive to it.

If you are a parent of a toddler, you may wish to take a look at the Muzzy program, and think about how it might fit into your child's life. Consider if the program cost is reasonable for your budget, and also consider if the program is actually appealing and includes the kinds of characters and animation that you feel appropriate to include in your home schooling of your child. Not all families will feel comfortable with using video technology to teach their children at such a tender age, preferring to teach their children themselves. Not all families will agree with the idea that Muzzy, a creature from outer space, is an appropriate character for their children's friendship. And for some, it may be simply a delightful Spanish language learning adventure for their children.

While every parent must make these learning decisions for their toddlers, it is educational to learn that such programs are available for even the youngest Spanish language students. It is an appealing and interesting program to consider.

See how you can Learn Spanish effectively and quickly, or at your very own pace! You can learn to Speak Spanish Confidently [] and Naturally in Less than 8 Weeks!

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