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Difficulties in Learning the Spanish Language

The number one spoken language throughout the globe is Mandarin Chinese followed by English and Spanish. Therefore. if you are accustomed with English and Spanish, you will be able to speak to over 50 percent population of the world. The most important thing to note about Spanish language is that there is a possibility that object can come before the verb. In Spanish, you will find three kinds of verb. It includes -AR, -IR and -ER.

Spanish follows inflectional verb system, meaning you will find that each verb will consist of a root and an inflection. The main function of root is to give you an overview of verb which you are employing. On the other hand, inflection gives you an idea of tense. With proper knowledge of inflections, you will feel more at ease when it comes to learning the Spanish language.

One of the most striking features of Spanish language is that there are two verbs for "to be". "Ser" and "Estar" With the help of grammar book, you will be able to get an idea of these verbs but it will take plenty of time before you will stop making mistakes at the time of speaking. For the time being, keep in mind that "ser" is used to depict things that are permanent in nature while "estar" is applicable to temporary things.

Another difficulty that you are going to face in learning the Spanish language is the fact that there are plenty of subjunctive in Spanish. This is not the case with English. Until and unless you get comfortable with subjunctive, you will not be able to learn Spanish properly. People learning Spanish language often faces difficulty in realizing that all nouns in this language are either masculine or feminine. Because of this, you need to learn wide variety of extra details without getting any sort of communicative benefits.

People learning Spanish often faces difficulty in coming to terms with the fact that Spanish language has two address form, namely, formal and informal. It gets really tough in judging which one to use at which moment. To make matters worse, there are number of social norms applicable in South America.

In comparison to English, there is quite a bit of difference in Spanish capitalization. In addition, you will find both direct and indirect object pronoun in a Spanish sentence, which can make things complicated. Enlace is a part of Spanish language where you will find each word running into the next, giving you an impression that there is no difference between them. And how true it is in reality. Simply put, you will not find any phonetic boundaries in this language, and words do run cohesively in number of forms.

There are plenty of regular Spanish verbs in which the first person is singular. They are commonly known as G verbs and are often quite difficult to understand. There are two kinds of Spanish vowels, namely, hard and soft. You will require lots of practice in order to get accustomed with them.

The Writer is a journalist based at India. Visit my site:


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