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How I Learned to Speak Chinese

I'm an American of mixed Chinese and European ancestry. My grandparents are Chinese, but I know little or nothing of my ethnic heritage and don't speak a word of Chinese. As I approach my twenties, I decided it was time for a change. I wanted to communicate better with my relatives. I wanted to learn how to speak Chinese.

Like many Americans, Chinese struck me as an ambitious choice. But I was determined to learn how to speak Chinese. My first step was to investigate local universities and private tutors. I found that although there some choices available in that direction, they were extremely expensive and would require attending regular classes on a set schedule for the next several months. I needed a program that I could afford and one that I could learn at my own pace from home.

Next I searched the Internet and was surprised to find several study-at-home language programs that claimed to be able to teach me how to speak Chinese. I investigated several and finally narrowed it down to what I felt were the best two choices: Rosetta Stone and Rocket Chinese.

Both seemed to be very comprehensive programs. Rosetta Stone offered repeated audio exercises while Rocket Chinese would teach me how to speak Chinese with memory games, quizzes, and audio lessons, which sounded like a lot more fun. Rosetta Stone cost over $200. Rocket Chinese was under $100. When I discovered that Rocket Chinese also offered a free 6-day trial, access to a member's only learner's forum where Chinese teachers and native speakers were waiting to help, my choice was obvious.

Today I can speak Chinese. My friends are surprised. My grandparents are delighted and proud. So if you're looking to master what seems like the difficult language of Chinese I would recommend Rocket Chinese. It worked for me.

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