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How to Start Learning Chinese

Many of us would be looking at taking Chinese lessons and classes. We all have our own reasons to learn Chinese. However, the main reasons why one should learn Chinese are listed here. Did you know that nearly 1/4th of the world populations peaks Chinese? Learning Chinese will also give you a chance to know about a new culture. Chinese has a unique script and system. Knowledge of this will give you tremendous insight into the Chinese way of thinking. Also, another major factor to consider is that China boasts to be the largest economy soon. Is this not reason enough for all of us to learn Chinese?

In this article we provide you with some tips on Chinese lessons and how you can learn them. Learning Chinese is considered difficult mainly because of the script. Though many might argue that Chinese is not useful in western countries like USA, it may be noted that this is coming up to be the language of the future. This will give many of you an edge in job opportunities and career prospects. Mandarin Chinese is the main dialect that is spoken in China and there are other dialects too like those spoken in Hong Kong or Taiwan.

The Chinese script is not phonetic, it is symbolic. This is the main cause of difficulty in picking up the language. One can compare the consonants of the English language to the Chinese sounds. These sounds/symbols are what make up the language. There are about 50,000 characters or symbols in Chinese language but it is sufficient to learn 2,000. Learning so many symbols or characters is definitely daunting. However, as we learn a few characters, you will be able to get an idea of the language.

The smallest meaningful unit of the Mandarin Chinese language is the morpheme. It can be one syllable or more than one. The Chinese characters represent one or less than one morpheme. A word is formed of one or more morphemes and is written with one or more Chinese characters. The parts of speech like adverbs, nouns, adjectives etc have certain rules.

There are many different ways in which you can learn Chinese. If you are considering mastering the language with a fluency in writing, reading and speaking then you will need to give yourself at least 2-3 years. However, many manage to learn speaking within one year. It is the script that will take you a long time to master. There are many websites that give free online lessons. Some websites ask you to sign up by paying a nominal amount. Your local colleges and schools may also have mandarin or Chinese classes.

Learning a new language is always a benefit and will open better avenues in addition to adding a new dimension to your personality. If you have the time and the opportunity, then do consider learning Chinese.

Are you ready to learn Chinese lesson? Visit today and sign up for a "Free 6 Day Course"!


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