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Which Language Should I Learn? Japanese or Chinese?

Which is the most useful language to learn? If you are asking yourself this question, you are in the right place. In this article I'm going to help you make a decision.

(Before we start: by Chinese I mean Mandarin Chinese)

Okay, you want to learn either Japanese or Chinese. Here are a few things to consider.

1. Work and business

Do you work with foreigners? Do you work with Chinese or Japanese speakers? Do you want to start doing business with Chinese or Japanese people?

Basically, if you interact with Japanese speakers a lot, you should learn Japanese. If you interact mostly with Chinese speakers, learn Chinese. Simple.

However, keep in mind that China is rapidly developing and there are a lot of opportunities there. Mandarin Chinese is getting more and more useful.

So, while Japan is one of the wealthiest countries in the world, Mandarin Chinese, due to China's rapid development and more than billion speakers (not only in China, but also in other Asian countries), is definitely a more important language in the world.

2. Culture

Do you want to travel or move to China or Japan? Which country is more interesting for you: China or Japan? Which culture do you like the most? Learning languages isn't only about languages, it's also about a culture. You want to learn a new language, because you want to use it, that is: live through it just like you live through English.

3. The language itself

It's very important. If you don't like the language, it's hard to learn it. You should enjoy learning it. You should like its sound and be able to listen to it on a daily basis.

Keep in mind that if you are bored, you won't learn quickly and it will be painful to work on your language skills. That's why you should pick a language which is the most interesting for you, not necessarily the most useful in terms of being a world language.

So, which language did you choose?

Bonus: get a free e-book and lessons on learning languages quickly and effectively
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