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Why Bother Learning Chinese?

There are many reasons why you should learn Chinese. Firstly Chinese is spoken at almost every corner of the globe as almost 1/4th of the world's population is Chinese; apart from China it is spoken in Taiwan, Singapore, and North America where a large population of ethnic Chinese people exists.

Secondly the Chinese culture via its various branches such as Chan Buddhism, Confucianism, Martial Arts and Chinese cuisine has had an enormous impact throughout the world. Such an impact only warrants the interest in the Chinese language throughout the world.

Thirdly the economic explosion that China has witnessed in the recent times has again propelled the need to learn Chinese that is bound to become important in times to come.

Apart from all this it must not be forgotten that learning Chinese is a fun and enjoyable experience, in fact learning any foreign language is engaging. However you also have to give it the time it deserves so that you may gain a good foot hold in it. You need to give Chinese the time it requires as it has a lot of characters and is also of tonal nature. While this in itself does not make Chinese very hard to learn it does make it "different" as there are very few languages that have this kind of expression. When I say tonal I mean that the meaning of the word changes with the tone with which it is spoken. For instance mà (spoken with a falling tone) means to scold while mÄ (spoken with a flat tone) means mother.

This tonal nature of the language is what makes it so different from other languages; it also makes it so much more interesting!

ChineseforSmartKids is a premier educational service focusing on teaching children aged between 3 and 8 Mandarin Chinese. We recognize that parents are now becoming more aware of emerging global realities and like to equip their children with the necessary skills to be prepared as they grow up. Our software is designed so that it is fun and easy to use. Click here is to try out a free demo of our ChineseforSmartKids software now!


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