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German Language CDs

Despite all the attention given to the rise of the Chinese economy and hence the importance of learning the Chinese language, another foreign language is just as important for those involved in the area of international business and travel. Despite less attention, Germany continues to hold the position of the third largest economy in the world, just after Japan and is or remains tied for the designation as the world's largest exporter.

While many Germans speak excellent English, the benefits in learning German are significant. German is spoken by more than 100 million people in 38 countries. The bulk of these are in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Significant numbers of German speakers are also found through the United States as well as in South America.

As the third largest industrial nation in the world learning German can help establish trusted relationships with other business professionals in German speaking countries. As we noted previously, many Germans speak English quite proficiently. But speaking German gives the aspiring student of dealing personally with telephone calls, negotiations and presentations which are often crucial in business negotiations. It is also a key language for those looking to work in the tourist industry in Europe.

If the business advantage is not enough to convince you, then the advantages to anyone looking to travel abroad should not be forgotten. German is a native language or a second language for many people across Eastern Europe. For example, many people in Romania, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Russia or Kazakhstan are German speakers.

So pick up a set of German language CDs and start the learning process.

Jacob Lumbroso is a world traveler and an enthusiast for foreign languages, history, and foreign cultures. He writes articles on history and languages for and has used Pimsleur Courses to learn various languages and recommends Pimsleur German.


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