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Rocket Chinese Review - A Must Read Before You Buy

So, your aim is to learn to speak Chinese, and perhaps you have already heard of a great program called Rocket Chinese. I would like to give you some learning tips and tell you a little more about Rocket Chinese and how you can really accelerate your learning.

Rocket Chinese is a very complete solution with all the necessary material you need to learn Mandarin Chinese. The information is all presented in steps so you can logically work your way through the learning program. You are very unlikely to find any other program that offers so much for such a reasonable price.

However, you do need a few other steps in your plan:

1. Dedication - Learning a foreign language doesn't happen overnight. You need schedules and lots of self-discipline. To help build and retain that dedication, you need a place to aim for. So if your goal is to use your Chinese by travelling to China, write it all up with details of when and how and re-read it regularly. Do this to keep yourself motivated

2. As you learn, you must practice. It's live practising which will make Chinese "stick". Without it you'll be forgetting as you learn, and that would be a big waste. You can start practising no matter what your level. Just repeat phrases and sentences as you hear them, out loud, three or four times in a row.

3. To take your practising to a higher level, you need a language buddy. It's important to get the right one, someone with patience and ability. It would most likely be someone who wishes to swap: helping you with Chinese and you helping them with English. A most likely source for this person is to do a search on Skype.

4. Being able to interact with a Chinese native speaker will introduce an element of interest and fun. To successfully learn, "interest and fun" are a necessity.

But remember these bits of advice are only useful if you have got hold of Rocket Chinese as your core program. I can't speak highly enough about the immense value this program offers.

Avoid making mistakes with your Chinese learning plan, go and read our Rocket Chinese Review here and also read about our great pronunciation trainer bonus.


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