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Why 1-on-1 Language Learning is Better Than Traditional Classroom Learning

Learning is a lifelong process. While many of us couldn't wait for the day we graduated from high school or college, we soon learned that was just the beginning. There are always new skills to master, whether it's improving your golf or tennis game or learning how to scrapbook.

Books can only get you so far. The static photos and long lists of instructions can get pretty laborious after a while. For most, it's far better to have instruction from a real person who can give you feedback and help you improve your skills.

This is particularly true when you're trying to learn a foreign language. It's very important to get the pronunciations correct and put the words together in the proper order. It can be the difference between communicating very clearly and being completely misunderstood.

When learning to speak Chinese, this is particularly true. Pronunciation is key to clarity, as is sentence structure and grammar. Learning to speak Chinese from a book or even a CD or DVD course is difficult for most students.

The best option is the classic teacher/student relationship where you can receive instant feedback, ask questions, work on your skills in a real time, live setting and move at a pace that is comfortable for you.

For some, classroom instruction is a good way to learn to speak Chinese. There, you can learn in a group setting, which is best if you are comfortable working on your skills in front of others. Since Chinese is spoken by one-fifth of the world's population, classes are available at most community colleges or through private institutions. Other courses are taught by learning centers or community groups.

These classes, however, aren't for everyone. If you get tripped up on a particular skill, you may just have to move on with the rest of the class. Learning to speak Chinese in a classroom means that you have to keep pace with others in the class. Also, if you're a bit shy, it can be very stressful working on your pronunciations or sentences in front of a room full of strangers.

For those who want to move at their own pace, 1-on-1 learning is a far better option for learning to speak Chinese. Here, you learn from an instructor and you're the only student in class. As a result, you can work at your own pace, get immediate feedback and learn from someone who has already mastered how to speak Chinese perfectly.

When looking for individual instruction, be sure to work with a teaching center that offers native Chinese speakers. Learning to speak Chinese is not difficult, but it is a language where pronunciation is important, and a native speaker can help you learn to speak Chinese fluently and properly.

One of the best places to learn to speak Chinese is online. For example, Mando Mandarin ( offers 1-on-1 instruction featuring native Chinese speakers. You move at your own pace, receiving feedback as you go. The best part is you can learn in the comfort of your own home whenever you have free time. There's no need to travel somewhere to attend class and if you don't feel like a lesson that day, you don't miss a thing.


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