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Evaluating a Chinese Language School in China - Four Easy Tips

In today's world, if you can speak Mandarin or one of the Chinese dialects in addition to English, you will never have a problem getting a great paying job. For this reason alone, many people are choosing to go to Chinese language school in China as a way to learn the language. But before you just sign up with the first Chinese school you find, you should do your best to evaluate at least several of them, based on the four following factors:

- Location - Some people choose to spend their educational time in a large city like Beijing, and then travel around the country on their days off. You may also find that you can go to a school that allows you to take classes in various cities, such as Guangzhou, Shanghai, or even Hong Kong, which is an experience in itself. While you are learning, you can stay in the big cities, and then travel through the countryside on the weekends or after your schooling is done.

- Experience - You should be looking for a Chinese language school in China that has been around for a while and who will freely put you in touch with past graduates. Many schools that are located in the metropolitan areas of China have turned out literally tens of thousands of graduates, while if you go to a school in a smaller town or village, you may be just one of a handful of graduates.

- Visas - The school you choose should be able to arrange all visas and help you out with your travel arrangements. Getting into China is now much easier than it has ever been, but if you plan on venturing outside of Beijing or Hong Kong, you might want to do your research on what travel papers are needed first. A quality school will let you know exactly what tests, vaccinations, and papers you need.

- Accommodations - You need to make sure that you will be given assistance in finding accommodations while you are in China. Especially since you will arrive in their country with little or no knowledge of the language, having a place to stay already lined up will make your trip a lot more comfortable and reassure your relatives.

Since there are numerous schools available to you, it is important that you choose your Chinese language school in China wisely to ensure you get the best education and safest travel experience possible. But, whatever you do, make sure you take the time to travel around China while you are there, so that you get the big city experience of places like Beijing, and the small town experiences of traditional Chinese life.

Carla Kaplan is a writer and researcher on Chinese language school in China. Save time and money by getting FREE in-depth information including discounts and best prices at: Letz-Learn.Org


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