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Learn a New Language Today

'Bonjour,' 'Guten tag,' 'Ni hao,' 'Buenas dias.'

That's how you greet a Frenchman, a German, a Chinese and a Spaniard, respectively.

And wouldn't it be great if you didn't just stop there? Surely, you don't have enough Tom Cruise-y charm to have any Renee Zellweger-ish stranger at 'hello.'

But really, a foreign language sounds interesting, doesn't it? You may find the words hard to speak at first, but learning the language can actually be easier than you think.

But first, here some facts: according to Barbara Grimes in 'Ethnologue' (13th edition), published by the Summer Institute of Linguistics in Dallas, Texas, there are 6,500 languages spoken in the world.

Among them, the ten most widely spoken languages are Mandarin (885 million speakers), Spanish (332 million), English (322), Bengali (189), Hindi (182), Portuguese (170), Russian (170), Japanese (125), German (98) and Wu Chinese (77).

If you only know English, there's just a small fraction of the global population whom you can talk too. It means your world is smaller than you'd like it to be.

Fortunately, there's an easy way of learning a new language without living for months or years in a foreign country or going back to a classroom, or securing a visa for any native speaker from China, India or wherever.

You heard it well; you can learn to speak French, Spanish, German, or any of the major language right at home, without inviting any stranger in. All you need are a computer, an internet connection, a handy audio file player and an excellent pair of earphones.

There are various language learning programs available online. These are state-of-the-art language acquisition tools that are specifically designed to enhance both the cognitive and linguistic skills of every person, young or old, who wishes to undertake such course.

Among the best is Pimsleur, which offers language learning courses developed by Dr. Paul Pimsleur and published by Simon and Schuster. The courses provide learners a comprehensive guide on how to learn a new language effectively.

Each program is easily understood and you don't have to find extra references while learning. You study, you facilitate and you learn fast.

The Pimsleur approach is better known for its unique format: the unabridged, step-by-step tutorial guide compiled in a compact medium. You can either purchase it right from any audio bookstore or directly download it from an online vendor like The Talking Bookstore.

You'll need an audio file player (iPod, smart-phones and other handhelds) or just play it on your car stereo. You learn at your own pace, whenever you have the time. And you learn it as a language, not as a subject in school.

So, does something as convenient as this cost a lot? Obviously, not at all. A complete guide to learning the proper pronunciation, grammar, and colloquial vocabulary of a language only costs less than $50 dollars.

And the next thing you know, your world has just gone bigger.

For those who thirst for the real thing, here is the complete list of all your favorite language learning audio courses: foreign language learning

When you happen to have a particular language course in mind, try searching for it here: second language learning


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