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Learn Chinese Language Fast and Easy by Choosing Good eBooks

Do you want to study Chinese by yourself in your spare time? What is the fast and easy way to do that? My suggestion is to choose good Chinese language eBooks. The most commonly used and popular eBooks now are created in PDF format; the free software to open this type of eBook is Acrobat Reader. You can download it online.

Here are the main reasons for choosing a good PDF Chinese language book to begin your study:

No1: PDF eBooks can include texts with different colors within the content. In this way, lots of important language points can be highlighted. It is especially useful for learning Chinese pronunciation -pinyin and Chinese grammar.

No2: PDF eBooks can embed color pictures which is good for Chinese character learning. As we all know, Chinese characters are evolved from primitive pictures, they have several development process for a history of about 3000 years. Study Chinese characters with a picture embedded eBook can greatly improve your study quality.

No3: PDF eBooks can embed sound which is very helpful for Chinese conversation learning. This sound embedded function allows sound icons to be set beside a sentence or a certain word to help master correct pronunciation. It also allows mp3 format audio files to be embedded. Learners can open an audio player to listen to dialogues by playing the mp3 files.

No4: PDF eBooks can embed flash videos. Flash video is a kind of modern multimedia teaching method which is very effective for language learning.

No5: Most PDF eBooks are printable, easy to read and low on price.

Learning Chinese by yourself can be fast, easy and effective if you can choose good eBooks to begin your study. PDF format mandarin Chinese language eBooks is a great choice for self-taught learners!

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Apple Mao is an experienced Mandarin teacher, professional editor and author on the subject of online teaching and Chinese language e-book writing. Her website, provides a wealth of Chinese learning ebooks and free audio courses on self-taught Chinese online, especially a very practical and easy-master Chinese character ebook which is suitable for anyone who is interested in learning Chinese reading and writing.


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