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Learn to Speak Mandarin

Learning to speak Mandarin in these times is something that is fast being recognized as indispensable. With more and more companies outsourcing there manufacturing to China more people are being sought who are either bilingual or multilingual. This is reinforced by the fact that Mandarin Chinese is predicted by experts to become the next biggest language in the world after English by 2020.

If you are still wondering why Mandarin is fast becoming so popular then consider this: Mandarin has the largest number of speakers in the world, around 900 million. Even now around 200 million students in China are studying English to gain a better understanding of how things work in the west, this is rather a big number when you compare it to the 50 thousand students in US who are studying some form of the Chinese language. It is for this reason that Mandarin Chinese is being seen as a strategically important language along with French, Spanish and Arabic. However although all of those languages have a good setup, the same cannot be said about Chinese and people are pretty much left to themselves if they want to learn Chinese.

That is where the new online Mandarin courses step in. These courses have been specifically designed to be used by people who have no prior experience or training in Chinese. Since many of these have been designed to be used by/for children they are also very graphical and animated making teaching Mandarin to your children an easy thing.

Also if you want to teach Chinese to your children then it is recommended that you start out as early as possible as this will make learning the language easy for them. Right now all you should worry about is getting your kid's interest in the language so that they may develop an interest in it. Most of the problems crop up when too much info is thrown their way.

ChineseforSmartKids is a premier educational service focusing on teaching children aged between 3 and 8 Mandarin Chinese. We recognize that parents are now becoming more aware of emerging global realities and like to equip their children with the necessary skills to be prepared as they grow up. Our software is designed so that it is fun and easy to use. Click here is to try out a free demo of our ChineseforSmartKids software now!


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