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Chinese Proverbs: Chinese New Year Lantern Wishes

Chinese New Year: Lantern Making Before launching lanterns, Chinese New Year's revelers write messages on colorful paper lanterns.

Lauren Mack /

Chinese New Year includes two weeks of celebration with most activities taking place the day before (New Year's Eve), the first day (New Year's Day) and the last day (Lantern Festival). On the Lantern Festival, colorful lanterns are placed outside homes and launched into the night sky. Ecah color corresponds to a particular wish. See lantern colors and meanings.

Many revelers enjoy writing riddles or wishes on the lanterns before sending them airborne. Here's what to write on your lantern to insure your wishes come true.

步步高昇 (bu bu g?osh?ng): Onward and upward身體健康 (sh?nt? jiank?ng): Good Health心想事成 (x?n xi?ng shi cheng): All wishes come true)笑口常開 (xiao k?u chang k?i): Be happy and carry laughter all the time事業蒸蒸日上開 (shiye zh?ng zh?ngri shangk?i): Business will grow and get better萬事大吉 (wanshidaji): Everything will be lucky and go smoothly事事如意、心想事成 (shi shi ruyi, x?n xi?ng shi cheng): Things will happen as you wish金榜題名 (j?nb?ng timing): Pass an entrance exam and get enrolled in a school家和萬事興 (ji? he wanshi x?ng): Harmonous family and prosperous life工作順利 (g?ngzuo shunli): Work smoothly,早日找到如意郎君 (z?ori zh?odao ruyi lang j?n): Quickly find Mr. Right賺錢發大財 (zhuanqian f? da cai): Make a fortune

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