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Chinese Zodiac: Rabbit

Several factors are used in Chinese fortune telling to determine a person’s fortune. Knowing your zodiac sign, element and predisposition (hot, cold, or neutral) are all used to determine your fortune. Consulting a Chinese almanac like 2011 Chinese Almanac by Peter So (ISBN 978-988-1905-6-9) or a fortune teller will help you find a detailed, more personal fortune.

The 12-year Chinese zodiac cycle also includes a corresponding element; therefore, it takes 60 years to complete an entire zodiac cycle. Each Chinese zodiac sign has a general 2011 fortune plus an additional 2011 fortune based on the person’s birth year. All months referenced refer to the lunar month.

Rabbits are likely to:

Encounter change.Feel restless.Have poor interpersonal relationships.Have a pessimistic attitude Emotional status is expected to hit a low in February (of the lunar calendar) so taking a trip to boost spirit is advised. Those with a hot or neutral predisposition should go West or North and those with a cold predisposition should go East or South.Likely to be injured, particularly in an auto accident, in February or August.Increase in power.

Even though the year may look bleak, the bad luck can be preempted by:

Taking a vacation in February to boost mood and attitude.Donating blood or getting your teeth cleaned in August and February to prevent injury.

Your additional fortune by birth year is:

1927: 2011 is a year of wealth; you’ll make more money from investment or from grandchildren.
1939: Pass on investments and spend your time learning something new.
1951: You’ll work harder for your money this year, and be careful of injury and ailments particularly those with crooked or front teeth.
1963: You won’t have to work too hard to make money in 2011.
1975: You’ll enjoy better social status in 2011.
1987: It’s a year of wealth for you and an energetic year too. Put this energy into your work. You’re likely to start or stop a relationship (or both) and either way, this romance will affect your work and emotions.
1999: You have chances to learn and do well on exams.

Disclaimer: Consulting a Chinese almanac like 2011 Chinese Almanac by Peter So (ISBN 978-988-1905-6-9) or a fortune teller will help you find a detailed, more personal fortune. The 2011 Chinese Almanac by Peter So (ISBN 978-988-1905-6-9) was consulted to compile the information provided here, which is for entertainment purposes only.

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