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Guide to Learning Mandarin Chinese Online

Learning to speak Chinese online can be a hassle, especially if you don't have a great learning plan. Today I will help you set up this "great learning plan" that you will need to succeed in learning this foreign language.

The first thing that I would suggest is to schedule when you will work each week. This time will change based on how fast you need to learn it. Start by calculating how much information their is to learn, and how much you can learn in an hour. You should try to get in a good, concentrated one hour of learning each night after work. Try two or three hours on the weekends.

Before you jump right in and start learning, you should divide the information into sections that you will learn each night. This will help you get started right away, and not feel overwhelmed. Just decide on a date that you need to finish it by, and divide the product according to that. Instead of worrying about how much you need to get done each night, you can schedule it perfectly to fit your one-hour-a-day studying.

To make sure that you are really learning this information, try to take a nightly or weekly quiz on everything that you have learned. This will help you pinpoint exactly what you do not understand so you can re-learn it.

My last words for you are not to give up. Mandarin Chinese is one of, if not the hardest language to learn. Remember that everything takes time, and to follow the suggestions that I have provided, and you will hopefully become fluent in Mandarin Chinese in no time!

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Learning the language is becoming more and more popular, especially as countries increase their trade with China. It provide enough Chinese capability for learners to be able to satisfy simple needs, by introducing a variety of topics that cover all of the necessities of everyday life. Thanks a lot...

Tsinghua University


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