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Learn Rocket Chinese! An Amazing Program to Launch Your Chinese Language Skills

Learn Rocket Chinese? What could that possibly mean?

When first reading the above words they probably do seem a strange turn of phrase, but learn Rocket Chinese is the new buzz phrase when talking about Chinese on-line language programs.

With over 30 million people throughout the world currently studying the Chinese language, I really believe that a decision to learn Rocket Chinese will give you the latest edge in learning conversational Chinese rapidly, thoroughly and most importantly, enjoyably.

I first heard about the learn Rocket Chinese program about two weeks ago, when my travel agent suggested that it would be a good idea to learn some basic Chinese before my first trip there next April. After hearing some of her tales about westerners who had visited China for the Olympics and got themselves into some rather awkward situations due to the language barrier, I thought perhaps I just might need to learn a few words!

Once I started looking for a Chinese language course, it did not take me long to find out why learn Rocket Chinese is considered one of the best on-line Chinese courses available. It uses interactive multimedia, state of the art software and fully downloadable audio programs to make the learn Rocket Chinese program as user friendly as it could possibly be.

The learn Rocket Chinese program consists of 5 major components that are making my learning Chinese journey a lot simpler than many other programs would do. Ten days into my course I am already able to speak basic conversational Chinese over a number of important areas. These include introductions and greetings, talking about myself, meeting for coffee and ordering drinks.(All very important when you are travelling.) There is so much more for me to learn of course but I aim to finish the course completely before I travel.

To give you an idea of what you would be taking on if you decided to learn Rocket Chinese here is a summary of what the 5 components of the course cover:

1. Component one of the learn Rocket Chinese program has 31 lessons (over 14 hours) of interactive audio so that you learn to speak confidently, naturally and fluently.

2. Component two provides the grammar and culture section of the learn Rocket Chinese language course with 31 grammar lessons, cultural notes along with a complete section of explanations and instructions on written Chinese.

3. Component three helps you remember heaps of words using the interactive learn Rocket French "Megavocab"word learning game. (Very interactive and fun)

4. Component four of the learn Rocket Chinese course develops important listening and understanding skills using the Mega-audio software learning game.( I frequently fall in fits of laughter when I hear myself,but believe me I AM getting there!)

5. Lastly, component five provides support and help every step of the way. Course members have access to the learn Rocket Chinese members forum and a team of online Chinese teachers on call to answer queries.(I've used this resource and find it very helpful.)

If you think I'm sold on learn Rocket Chinese you would certainly be right! I think learning with this course is giving me the confidence that will help me enjoy my trip overseas even more. I want to see, hear and totally experience China and feel I am well on the way to enjoying that "extra something" from my trip by doing the learn Rocket Chinese course.

Julie Wood is travelling to China next April and will accompany her eldest son on a business trip. Both mother and son decided to learn Rocket Chinese in preparation for their visit.

Her son, (a businessman), wants to gain the social skills and language necessary to work comfortably in the Chinese culture, whilst Julie herself wants to be able to enjoy all that China has to offer.

Please follow the following link if you would like to discover more about how to learn Rocket Chinese


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