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Pimsleur English For Mandarin Chinese Speakers

Mandarin Chinese is the most popular Chinese language. It is the language that you can hear Chinese people speak in the nearby grocery supermarket in your area. This language is a combination of the old and the middle Chinese language. That only means that it is halfway between a traditional and the modern Chinese. It is also continuously changing.

You simply have a lot to expect from the Chinese language, it coming from a strong country. China is said to be the oldest civilization dating back 5,000 years ago; it is also known to be evolving still. It has the oldest writing system in the world. It is also the cradle of many inventions from the ancient years until this day. It is where the first specimen of the Homo erectus was found, as it came to be known as the Peking Man. Its writing system and language system have been used by its neighboring countries in Vietnam, Korea, and even Japan. That is how wide the sphere of influence of the Chinese language is.

However, given that China is now turning out to be a super power, it still remains to be a lingua franca only among Asian nations. As Chinese people start to become more global, it is necessary for them to have a language that would allow them to interact with as many people as there are around the world. There's no other language that can do that but English, the universal language.

Wherever you are in the world, it is more likely that there is a Chinese man in your neighborhood. That is because of the Chinese population that is the largest in the world. The globalization of trade, investments, and business poses great opportunities for China to become more powerful not only in the military but also in other aspects of the economy.

The traditional Chinese value system is a great help for their efficiency conducting business and to nurture negotiations and diplomatic relations with the other powerful nations of the world. Because of this, it is even more important for a Mandarin-speaking Chinese man to learn the English language.

It is his ticket to further his academic knowledge all throughout the world. Many Chinese people now have faired well in international academic institutions. Some Asian writers have also been doing well in their craft, with many of them gaining influence among the avid international readers. The medium used by these Chinese literary writers is English and they are good at it.

To say the least, anyone who wants to go worldwide should learn the English language. You can start by learning the language through the Pimsleur language learning audio program. You can get a copy of it from The Talking Bookstore.

For those who want the real thing, here are a list of English For Mandarin Chinese Speakers language learning audio courses: learn English for Mandarin Chinese

When you happen to have a particular foreign language course in mind, try searching for it here: Foreign language learning courses


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